Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Framing critique

I was walking through the woods near a old house and took one of the holes in the backroud to frame the bud of a flower. For me I wish the flower had just started to bloom but I wasnt there at the right time of year.

Framing in Photography

The eyes are framed very closley and your attention goes right to them.

In the side of the cliff the rocks closed around the photagrapher and it gave the landscape a framing look around the edge.

The differant windows frame another part of the city behind.

On the wedding day the bride and groom (Im assuming) were framed by the men on the sides with the umbrellas.

The tunnel drives the viewers eyes right down the middle. The subject is also off to the side of the tunnel.

Hands and Feet critique

my hands and feet rool used more shots of hands, mostly because everyone around me wore shoes and that didnt seem to intrest me. instead i watched people do repedeteve tasks, such as typing, writing, or in this case, rewinding film. i had wished i had more of a old/young contrast to play with.

Hands and Feet

This photo grabs my intrest because it utalizes framing as well as hands and feet.

In this one the subject looks like they're almost holding themselves, almost to comfort themselves. A familiar position of many people.

The large, almost elderly hands are holding the baby in thier arms. Age supporting the new youth.

Another one with a similar theme.

overall a very common theme is the old holding the young. although its often repeated, its well known.

Rule of Thirds critique

I like the photo, although I feel like I could have done a better job on it. with the contrast and lighting of the photo. Its just little things about it that I feel I could do better on.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rule of Thirds

The small flower draws all your attention to it because of the dark, simple backround.

The sun is places in the rule of thirds and the ship is along the horizon line, also the rule of thirds.

the bird is standing in the nearly still water giving the image patience to it.

The lighthouse is far to the left giving the viewer a wide view of the ocean line and the orange glow of the sunset.

The raod slowly drifts off to the right of the photo; the trees and fog give off and ere lookto it.

Conveying a Message Critique

All an' all I think the picture was good but I with the film had been a little clearer so there wernt any lines across his face. I also feel like I should've burned the backround bit more to bring out details in the buildings and even the clouds. It wouldve made the mackround a lot less destracting.

Conveying a Message

This conveys the hunter redy to do what he has to.

This shows love and music together

The combitnation of the shadow and the balance and the dark side of justice.

I see confinement in this picture. The man is trapped behind the sheets.

This is almost a humbling photo. Seeing how the sun is prodominate